Cristina's Leston-Bandeira's response to survey results

Cristina's Leston-Bandeira's response to survey results

Cristina agreed with Will and Danielle's comments but noted that it would have been interesting to see thoughts of the panel comparing what think they think of Parliament as an institution and MSPs at different levels. For example, we see elsewhere that people are more positive for their local MP but have more negative views for Parliament and MPs overall. – So what is the connection? Key issue: the invisibility of work of parliament – not specific to Scotland – lots of factors – one is understanding what Scottish Government does versus what the Scottish Parliament does. We live in era of personalisation of the MP and sensational news we hear and not the ‘boring’ stuff – and this is what makes Parliaments invisible Next idea: building communities of practice – rather than expecting people coming to Parliament, it should be embedded in communities across Scotland – whether its members, Parliamentary staff, local community groups etc – if Parliament works more with those community groups then Parliament more effective at making change in those communities.


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