How to build trust and motivation to participate?

How to build trust and motivation to participate?

The group discussed the results of their initial survey with political scientists. Below is a summary of the discussion. Read, rate and comment on the key themes from the discussion.


Localised community involvement leads to national engagement

Reduce barriers local media as a innovation to improve trust

Danielle Beswick response to the survey results

A civic duty to take part?

Media used to engage the public in decision making beyond...

Will Jennings' response to survey results

Cristina's Leston-Bandeira's response to survey results

Is there a line for decision makers vs the public?

Why does the public mistrust?

Which Parliamentary models work effectively?

Removing influence of unelected organisations...

Why is there a lack of public knowledge about what MSPs do?

What are 2 most effective ways to engage underprivileged...

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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

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