Is there a line for decision makers vs the public?

Is there a line for decision makers vs the public?

Is there a line somewhere, for decision makers and the public? Is the government line different to the public? Questions of credibility and trust Will: This is question on the level of standards of behaviour we expect from politicians and categories of ethics and ethical behaviour and norms of politicians There is an idea of the 'politics of dirty hands' – which concerns whether political leaders and those in similar positions can ever be justified in committing immoral actions when "dirtying their hands" in this way is necessary for realizing some important moral or political end. But overall there must be consistency between citizens and politicians in terms of levels of ethics and standards of behaviour The key thing about public trust in Parliament is an expectation that politicians behave ethically There should be a clear line is what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and having independent adjudicators for standards and behaviour.


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