Cristina – there are many factors unfortunately – one of the reasons for that is the idea that we elect representatives to represent us so they will know better about what to do and the public should let them get on with it. This line of thinking has existed for decades and has devalued education about politics. Now, today, people more actively participating and we therefore need to explain better what members do. Think about your usual Sunday – would you even think about politics? Education needs to be much better. EG got a PhD doing work with primary aged children – but need education for all age ranges though. The older website of the Scottish Parliament explained better what the parliament did in its previous structure. Now the website is designed more expert audience focused and doesn’t explain as much about the role of the Parliament to the public Will: It is natural for people not to have high levels of knowledge about what politicians doing as they are elected to do that work Education important but on a day to day business its MEDIA that’s important in terms of communicating the work of Parliament. Danielle – focus on media and education also. People are effective at being experts on things if they need to be. Covid proved that. People can upskill and educated themselves very quickly. People don’t engage unless they have to. We don’t have the bandwidth to feel passionate about everything all the time. But need to have channels when they do.
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