What are 2 most effective ways to engage underprivileged...

What are 2 most effective ways to engage underprivileged...

What are the two most effective ways to engage underprivileged communities? Danielle, who has researched this at the UK Parliament by interviewing a range of community groups- EG BAME comms, women, older people, disabilities – main thing: engaging with groups where they are, when it’s done, where people are accessing services: eg having MSPS on streets in communities, finding opportunities where groups/people already gathering rather than asking them to take time out of their day Underprivileged and underrepresented are 2 diff groups Cristina – working in partnerships with outside groups. Lots of 3rd sector orgs support these groups. Working with people with trusted relationships with these people. Recognise the resources needed to engage such as child care, other care, travel costs etc.


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