Do you have any examples of media used to engage the public in decision making other than elections? When are there opportunities to engage beyond elections? Will – focus groups during Covid etc – things most people liked during the pandemic was daily briefings and expert contribution. Worth mentioning media organisation have their own agendas. Positive developments in media recently – data journalists to provide public info on policy issues. Driven by Parliaments producing lots of data Cristina – media complex as they have their own agendas. But – look at local media and the role they play on reaching out to local communities. Reach the issues and topics people like to talk about and care about it. EG Serbia: whenever committees do an inquiry they go to the local community and 3rd sector AND the local media: in order to prepare before the visit and involve the local community in the inquiry In Ghana they developed partnerships with radio eg youth clubs with young people listening to radio. Rather than trying to address the whole picture, use other means and be more localised in approach.
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