Why does the public mistrust?

Why does the public mistrust?

Why does the public mistrust? What can be done without disadvantaging certain groups? Will - I run surveys about on trust/mistrust in Government and Parliament across past years across the world. But sometimes it is rational for people to mistrust the work of politicians. What to do to rebuild trust – Covid showed how people react to major crisis and people are prepared to place trust in Gov. Where people got angry was with breaches of trust. The major issue is polarised mistrust... where different sides are not able to work together to come up with solutions. Cristina – alleviating trust without leaving people behind. This is a major issue for society across world. However the highest levels of trust can be found in China or Russia. So high trust doesn’t necessarily mean that the government or parliament is working for people, as the people may not have the tools for changing the situation. Try not to address things the Parliament can't control or address. It can proactively reach. Trying to overcome polarisations: Parliaments could try and counter this misinformation. For example Brazil elections are very representative of polarisation, Parliament trying to counteract that by explaining facts etc


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