Innovations like citizens' panels are good but be careful for how costly they are and how they may not engage people with other responsibilities or concerns such as child caring responsibilities, those on low incomes, those who don’t have flexibility around work. We need to be mindful of solutions to reach all parts of society. In all there is a demand for participation but need better design to ensure more people can participate. Have an active approach to seeking out alternative voices/ meeting people where they are/ ensuring opportunities to engage are as flexible and as varied as possible: when, where, how and where people feel comfortable. Be proactive to seek organisations and work with their timetables. Thoughts of Prof Will Jennings, Dr Danielle Beswick and Cristina Leston Bandeira - Session 11
Different people are more comfortable with different media. Face to face may work best for some and terrify those who prefer the distance that digital communications bridges. No one solution will work for everyone and this should be recognised.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation