Example - How this works using text and images

Example - How this works using text and images

This webpage is a place for you to share your ideas on what you think the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee should look at as part of their inquiry into healthcare in remote and rural areas of Scotland. Just click on "Add new idea" or the orange lightbulb button to get started. Give your idea a title (which can be up to 60 characters long). Select a category from the drop down menu that best relates to your idea (this helps the Committee to organise ideas). You then can submit text (up to 1500 characters) to describe your idea and you can also upload an image, speech, and video to explain your idea in more detail.


For the last 7 years, I have worked as a GP in a remote rural setting in the Hebrides. The degree to which secondary care provision being focussed on the urban centres and it is an important issue, but it remains a tiny problem in comparison with the fragility of the remote and rural primary care workforce. Whilst the remote populations of Scotland get older and frailer, they’re doctors and ageing and fatiguing along with them. They are still delivering a vocational and dedicated service, but they are both tiring and retiring. The next generation will not make the same sacrifices to keep services to a recognisable standard. If action is not taken now, there is an absolute crisis ahead of us.

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