Healthcare in Remote & Rural Areas

Healthcare in Remote & Rural Areas

The Health, Social Care & Sport Committee is planning work into healthcare in rural & remote areas. We'd like to hear your ideas for what we should focus on. Share your ideas or rate & comment on other ideas. Add your idea!💡 For more information on how to get involved click on the ? button above.


ensuring there are enough services to support the population

Who Else can help?

Promoting continuity of care in general practice

Provide virtual GP registration for remote communities

Return responsibility for immunisations to general practices

Upgrade local surgeries

The Pharmacotherapy service in GP practices

Community pharmacy services

Collection of Prescriptions

dentist, what dentist?

Mobile NHS Dentists

Look into the use of travelling doctors?

Impact of lack of independent pharmacy provision

Mobile health visits for the whole community

Relying too much on digital healthcare

A holistic approach to rural healthcare. Online & in person.

Integration of care

Public relationships with Healthcare professionals

Availability of pharmacy services

Boosting generalist services in rural communities

Pharmacy Services

Rural proofing the 2018 GP Contract

NHS Dentistry - a universal service obligation

Employ more GPs

Maintain rural services (such as Insch hospital)

Funding model is wrong for sustainable rural hospitals.

Better Access to Equipment and services

No access to appointments in neighbouring health boards

Remote Medicine

Restore key services in places like Wick

More rural hospitals

Address inequalities in access to radiology and oncology

Redesign of women's health in Caithness

base appointment & clinic availability around transport

fiddling waiting times

End the postcode lottery of local neurology provision

Support specialist nursing

A clinical plan for the Rural General Hospitals ,

Waiting times - distance

increase GP education about the private options and insuranc

Long term chronic conditions and care

Access to specialist support for complex conditions

Cost Effectiveness of Treating Patients in Remote Areas

Accessing In-Person Services (hospital / central services)

More local cancer treatment

Register of communication requirements for appointments

localised care

Make services accessible for people with disabilities

Equitable Health Care in the Remote and Rural Setting

Rural population should not have to fight for access

Barriers for Service Providers delivering in person services

Evidence that rural sites have particular 'flow' challenges

Support Community First Responders better

Provision of care at home services

Lack of addiction help and mental health services


more mental health and additional need support

Improve mental health facilities

Young people's mental health and wellbeing

Invest in biology of ageing research

Access to Gynaecology in Caithness

travel vaccinations

Lack of transport to enable people to access leisure

Palliative and end of life care in rural and remote areas

Fair and Equal Access To Insulin pump’s in NHS Highland

Ambulance services.

Social Work and Social Care

"Realistic medicine" is particularly valuable in these areas

Social Value to Society

Remote and rural research and data collection

Genuine local democracy and community decision making


Sexual and Reproductive health support for young people

Determinants of Health / Cost of Living

Prevention / Preventative Healthcare

Improve accessibility and response times for emergencies

Community led planning

Realistic Commitment to Tackling Obesity

There are significant inequalities as a result of rurality.

Service delivery which is appropriate for location

Allow people over 65/pension age access to Motability

Health and health care are more than just NHS provision

Support for people with alcohol problems

Commit to longer term funding

Bring key organisations to the table

Social prescribing

Ensure fair resource allocation to rural general practice

Identify barriers to recruitment

Supporting all carers

Attracting AHPs to remote and rural

Training of Remote and Rural Consultant General Surgeons

Recruitment, retention and skills in remote and rural areas


Training of the health workforce

Recruitment of pharmacists

Workforce Recruitment, Retention, Adaptability

Workforce plan for NHS staff

Difficulty implementing MDT in rural areas and remote areas

Stop centralisation of vital healthcare services

Challenges to recruitment of pharmacy staff

GP recruitment and retention in rural and remote Scotland

Staff Shortages

Incentives for GP's to work in rural practices.

Retention of Staff

There is a serious lack of affordable housing.

Provide comprehensive policies covering disabled people


Develop rural medicine as a specialty

Access to Advanced Prehospital Care

Disparity in access to 1st responders & relying on volunteer

Community nursing and midwifery

Staff retention

Opportunities for flexible working

Urban "hats" do not suit Rural "faces"

Retention of pharmacy staff

Workforce Sustainability

Retention of rural healthcare staff

Salary for care workers in order to retain staff

Access to training

Ambulance transport

Travel and Transport to Healthcare Services

Make essential travel from island communities easier.

Think about how people can get to appointments

Rethink Travel

Logistics & Travel for disabled people in rural areas

Expand model of Aberdeen Royal Infirmary's "Patient Hotel"

Realistic reimbursement rates for essential overnights/fuel

Building a new hospital - missing out the simple things

Transport-availability and issues

Access to affordable transport, accommodation and child care

Transport to hospital appointment

Impossible to travel to an appointment on public transport

Make it easier for rural people to travel for treatment


Accessing Virtual and Remote Healthcare

Climate Sustainability

Caithness General Hospital

Improve Road Conditions

Example - how this works with audio

Scot Gov must fully deliver 2018 GP Contract to rural GP

More access to confidential healthcare - sexual health

Appoint a commissioner for rural health

Example - how this works with video

Palliative and end of life care in remote and rural areas

Example - How this works using text and images

Care at home

Evidence from GMC standards and guidance

Evidence from GMC SoMEP and stakeholder engagement pt.1

Evidence from GMC SoMEP and stakeholder engagement pt.2

Improve the balance between primary and secondary care

Analysis of healthcare accomodation

Better funding for equipment for clients at home

Better Understanding health needs and deprivation

Remote and Rural Proofing Policy

Digital Transformation

Premises and infrastructure

Remote, Rural and Island Issues.

Need for bespoke rural assessment of national policy change

Be more cost efficient

Online telepractice to deliver early and effective support

Poor transfer of patient medical information between areas

Collating lived experiences of rural and remote healthcare.

Promotion of Digital Technology

Improve how we identify/recognize Carers with disability.

Better access to social work facilities

Once for NHS Scotland - Adopting a Remote and Rural Lens

Recognition of Higher Costs to provide Comparable Services

NHS Boards Agility to Respond to Scottish Government


Realism from Politicians

Investing in Technology

Provide private options for treatment and prescriptions

Funding care homes in remote and rural areas

Highland Weighting Allowance

Urban models of care imposed on remote rural areas

Value of Third Sector Services in Healthcare

Facilities for young people with additional support needs

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