ensuring there are enough services to support the population

ensuring there are enough services to support the population

The committee should ensure that before building anymore housing in the greater Buckie area that there are sufficient health care services to support the growing population. We moved here nearly 3 years ago and after a year of trying to register we finally got into a dentist in Inverurie some 45 mins away from us. This isn’t convenient. Also we have a gp service here in Buckie in Ardach health centre and they are overloaded with patients. Thank goodness for e consult services or they couldn’t keep up with demand. This is my observation. Moving onto surgery or critical care services, Dr Grays Hospital is in Elgin about a half an hour away. I’ve personally been on a surgical wait list for two years now after a week spent inpatient in hospital there for severe infection. The referrals to many specialists in my case have taken ages in addition. The staff stay they are moving between Aberdeen royal and Elgin Dr Grays so shortages all the time. I think as there is more and more private health care all NHS staff have other demands in the private sector and perhaps it is also ,ore economic for them to work privately too. It’s definitely broken up here and needs fixed. Please do sort these services before more people in the area die or go to extremes as healthcare is not easily available for everyone. We have a small non A&E hospital in Buckie and they have ambulances there and I witnessed a person being refused transport to a&e and this should not happen.


Travelling long distances for people with neurological conditions living in remote and rural areas is not always possible. Some people will need their carer to travel with them. Travelling to see a specialist is expensive, tiring and time consuming. There should be more provision of health and social care professionals and neurological specialists in rural areas.

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