travel vaccinations

travel vaccinations

I am concerned at the total lack of travel vaccination facilities in Shetland other than a part time phone line to an NHS ‘travel clinic’ which can only assess and advise. I travelled to West Africa recently as part of the work I do with a charity I set up in Shetland. Previously I contacted the local health centre and the nurse reviewed my vaccination records and recommended jabs or tablet which could then be accessed locally. That changed some years back and now any vaccinations that need a private script such as rabies, meningitis etc must be undertaken off island which entails a return trip to Aberdeen and all the related costs. It’s even worse if there are vaccines needing two or three boosters a week or month apart. Yellow fever injections have always been available privately on the islands at cost but now this is likely to be only available off island. This is not for exotic holidays in my case although I know there are islanders who do want to travel abroad and will need to access these services. Islanders are being penalised. An island travel clinic could solve this problem.


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