Employ more GPs

Employ more GPs

Almost impossible to see a doctor in Caithness


If you do get the chance to see a doctor, if it is about a recurring issue, you have to start from scratch all over again because you hardly ever see the same person twice. Resulting in months long investigations going round in circles with little to no results. There needs to be a fuller, constant GP staff in practices.

Again this is due to poor conditions, offer better relocation packages.

NHS Highland need to invest more and protect the staff they do have in primary care before these staff get fed up of the poor support and constant negativity. Relocation package wont retain staff but a change in management might. Equal services in all Gp practices for patients, why does the clinical leads/managers not ensure all practices have the same access, they should be held accountable and this tackled Promote the services we can use available locally instead of the GP, why are patients not using or being encouraged for physio, nurse appointments, pharmacy or dental/optician with their appropriate problems.

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