Who Else can help?

Who Else can help?

First contact physiotherapy services have demonstrated that often other non GP/Nursing staff can support people in primary care. FCP services focussed on managing MSK conditions in primary care but specialist physiotherapy and other AHP services could support a wide range of other conditions in primary care such as pelvic health and continence, neurology, respiratory conditions etc. which would free up GP time. Many of these specialist AHP service already exist in secondary care yet would be better placed in a primary care setting. This would require investment and support for an expanded AHP workforce but would significantly support the health and wellbeing of rural communities.


To have a bank of professionals on hand to free up the GPs time is a very good idea.

They have to be equally shared in all practices. In Caithness some of this first contact services are mostly in the NHS managed practices so not equally shared with other or rural practices so patients unable to have equal access for care.

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