Retention of Staff

Retention of Staff

Highland is vast a vast area, we need to increase retention of staff. More must be done to recruit and sell the remote and rural lifestyles, the advantages that brings. That must included a wider network, not just healthcare - we need sustainable schools, good infrastructure, travel options, connectivity, all pubic services must work together to meet the needs of the rural communities they are paid to support. If staff are recruited to cover Highland, could they go on rotation for a period of time to allow them to experience the challenges facing rural communities, and hopefully contribute to the solutions.


Offer proper packages as a person who has red treatment in CGH and have spoken to locums they would relocate in a heartbeat but not for 6months why would anyone uproot a family for such a short amount of time. So short sighted.

NHS Highland were always poor at offering long term contracts, no one is going to uproot their family to move somewhere for 6 months. They need to be permanent posts. We have seen rotation work well before so why can that not be used more. We also need to make it attractive with teaching opportunities and research opportunities. Just because we are rural doesn't mean we are not capable of leading areas.

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