There is a serious lack of affordable housing.

There is a serious lack of affordable housing.

This has an effect on the health and wellbeing of individuals and the local community as well as impairing recruitment of healthcare staff and carers (as well as other key workers). The planning rules are skewed towards promoting second homes and tourism. Wealthy people move in pushing up prices while the community suffers. This is in the name of providing jobs which turn out to be poorly paid hospitality work. It would be great if councils could promote affordable housing for local people by being creative in how they apply planning rules.


Serious problem on Islay - no unemployment but no homes

We have been on the council waiting list for 17 years. We were offered a flat in Auchterarder ( we live in Comrie) in 2010 but my son had just started in p1 and struggled with separation anxiety and i had a newborn baby and a flat just wasn't suitable. We privately rent in Comrie but have been looking to move for over a year. My husband and i sleep in the dining room and my 13 year old and 8 year old girls share a small bedroom. We can't afford the astronomical rents! Ive written to air b and b owners but there not interested! Too many 2nd homes in Comrie that rarely get used! Our landlord ( the church of Scotland) has offered to make us homeless. I cannot put my children in temporary accommodation for 300 days. My eldest suffers from debi

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