Equitable Health Care in the Remote and Rural Setting

Equitable Health Care in the Remote and Rural Setting

It is a basic human right of people living in Remote and Rural areas to an equitable Health service. Community Hospitals in remote areas are the anchor that is required to prevent further depopulation in these areas. Urgent care systems in remote areas can be staffed by Advanced Nurses/Paramedics but they must be supported by (1) other nurses in the centre, (2) An experienced Doctor working in a larger hospital able for consultation by telephone, (3) An Ambulance Service that can react to seriously ill or injured patients quickly and effectively and has staff that are well trained and experienced, (4) an Air Ambulance system that can respond quickly when appropriate and not be so restricted by weather and availability as present. A comment has been made that staff working in Remote and Rural care can become "de-skilled". Sir Lewis Ritchie has shown with his report on Health Care in Skye that with the proper educational processes in place and having staff rotating between Hospitals as is being done on Skye de-skilling is no longer a problem however I would agree that staff need good management and encouragement


It is a basic human right of people living in Remote and Rural areas to an equitable Health service. Community Hospitals in remote areas are the anchor that is required to prevent further depopulation in these areas. Urgent care systems in remote areas can be staffed by Advanced Nurses/Paramedics but they must be supported by (1) other nurses in the centre, (2) An experienced Doctor working in a larger hospital able for consultation by telephone, (3) An Ambulance Service that can react to seriously ill or injured patients quickly and effectively and has staff that are well trained and experienced, (4) an Air Ambulance system that can respond quickly when appropriate and not be so restricted by weather and availability as present.

Having staff in areas with very low throughput put patients & staff at risk. Some of the minor injury/unscheduled care centres are run with very low staff numbers & with very few patient numbers which results in deskilling of staff.

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