Social prescribing

Social prescribing

Providing access locally to non medical services can sign post those with emotional or practical needs to the right support, which will not only improve their health and wellbeing but prevent any possible deterioration, resulting in continued use of existing over stretched health services. This can be provided by volunteers with a community care charity, liaising with the local GP for referrals.


The older generation can benefit from access to gym facilities - possibly to more social benefit than the younger generation as it improves strength, mobility and balance (and falls are a significant cause of hospital admissions).

Social prescribing has been suggested as one way to address upstream determinants of ill-health by linking patients from primary care to sources of support within the community. Primary health care is stretched and attending for reasons related to the upstream determinants of mental or physical wellbeing may not require pharmaceuticals (Frostick and Bertotti, 2019). By making changes to the environments that influence upstream determinants, theory suggests we can promote health and wellbeing and potentially avoid or mitigate the impacts of stressful circumstances – avoiding statutory services use, demand for acute care and physical health deterioration. We need preventative, locally-based support for those most at risk of health inequality

Local solutions are often the best but they must come with financial support. Communities can not be expected to pick up the slack without proper training, education and financing. Too often communities are having to provide what should be statutory services.

This is great however will need to be backed by funding to these organisations

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