Attracting AHPs to remote and rural

Attracting AHPs  to remote and rural

Speaking as a Podiatrist I know how difficult it is to recruit to posts in Highland (particularly the more remote parts). We need to encourage students to broaden their horizon when it comes to choosing placements - I feel if they experience working here in Highland they are more likely to choose to work here once qualified. At moment the central belt tends to mop up the vast majority of new graduates. We need to be able to offer strong incentives for new graduates to move away from central belt such as, - ensuring our health care infrastructure is on a par with central belt (at moment things like IT are a poor cousin of what clinicians have in central belt) - some sort of rural weighting (similar to London weighting) should be considered to reflect the cost of travel / living in remote and rural areas - greater capital investment in buildings to improve outdated buildings and premises - improve transport links (dualing A9 / reliable ferry, train and air travel


The concern on recruitment to remote and rural boards is not just in the Highland region. Central belt boards attract new graduates from an ever depleting Podiatry graduates. To attract new graduates to rural health boards Premia to attract recruits to rural boards Attract students to the profession National support and guidance to attract school age children to AHP profession during inspiring futures events Incentives for students to attend practical placements in rural boards, cover full cost of placement

recruitment in rural Aberdeenshire is extremely difficult, we struggle for a variety of reasons: * staff losing enhanced rates of pay for community working when in fact they should be paid more for the additional travelling and transport requirements. * lone working is challenging and isolating at times, rural teams need more support for professional development training opportunities. * better travelling expenses should be available to cover costs adequately, at the moment staff lose money due to poor mileage allowances and increased fuel costs. * better access to IT equipment and access to a joined up IT system for health and social care should be a main focus to prevent duplication across the service.

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