Mobile NHS Dentists

Mobile NHS Dentists

I believe we should have NHS mobile dentists so that mainly the elderly and unemployed can have their six monthly checkups closer to home. We have mobile banks, mobile barbers and other mobile services visiting small communities and villages. Although not a health issue, the one thing clearly missing these days are Council employed 'Lengths Men' who would nowadays be deployed in the community, probably serving several villages and he/she would have transport carrying various small tools and equipment for carrying out minor cleaning work, treating weed infested streets, litter picking and highway defects such as potholes, street lights not working, dangerous uneven flags, rocking, noisy manhole covers and other minor problems and hazards that may injure the elderly, snow and ice clearing on footpaths and so on. All this was done in the 1950's 60's and 70's until local government reform combined rural and urban councils within existing county boundaries. We lost that local contact that lengths men gave to serve the local communities. Nowadays the lengths man could use What3words to report problems back to base.


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