Training of the health workforce

Training of the health workforce

Only two HEI's in Scotland offer the podiatry degree course, both are in the central belt. Rural and island healthcare would benefit from a 'grow your own' model of training whereby those living in rural and island communities are able to access training without the many costs and barriers from relocating for the period of training. Consideration of a rural University offering healthcare training opportunities for example the University of the Highlands and Islands could also be of benefit to the healthcare professions. In addition, it is necessary to make rural and island health board student placements more accessible to students, providing valuable insight into working in these areas. This will require availability of accommodation and potentially, access to additional funding for these placements to address the high cost of living for these areas.


In some ways, training has become a joke and revolves round degree training rather than practical vocational training so those 'qualified' don't seem to see why they should dirty their hands. A return to more 'on the job' apprenticeship-type training is required to prepare staff better and to understand their patients needs better.

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