Make essential travel from island communities easier.

Make essential travel from island communities easier.

Patient transport is a major issue for people living in island communities. For example, people affected by cancer in island communities follow a diagnostic and treatment pathway which almost always involves travel to mainland Scotland, typically to Inverness or Aberdeen. These lengthy and awkward journeys work against the principles of prehabilitation, adding stress and anxiety to already incredibly difficult situations. It often means they are away from their primary support networks, and it creates increased costs in terms of missed work and travelling expenses.


It is a ridiculous situation to put ill people in and to take them away from their loved ones in order to access the services they need.

you cannot get from our island and return to Oban in one day, which means that a 20 min appointment in Oban means an overnight stay and in winter more, due to fewer boats. . People need cars if unble to access public transport which adds cost and stress to the whole thing as they may need a driver too. In summer it is almost impossible to book anywhere in Oban to stay anyway. Ferries arrive at Oban after the last train has gone, making onward travel to Glasgow appointments impossible without a car. Buses may not notbe suitable for elderly unwell people, given the need to connnect with local buses. 1.much better integrated transport planning with health providers, literally the 'patient journey 2.onsite payablpatient hostels at hospitals

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