The role of a rural clinician is very different from our urban colleagues. We have the opportunity the use a much broader skill set and to provide a greater range of medical services. It would be good if this could be recognised and developed with further training supported by the NHS. For example it could be the norm to expect doctors working more than 50 miles from a hospital to be encouraged to sit the Diploma in Immediate Care from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and a Masters degree in remote and rural healthcare. This training could be resourced as part of the “Expert Medical Generalist” concept floated in the 2019 GP contract, but was not backed up by any training resources and was never clearly defined. Training and qualification could be linked to Merit Award type remuneration similar to secondary care colleagues. Rural doctors shoulder greater clinical responsibility in many ways than urban colleagues and this should be reflected in a more clearly defined career path and in remuneration.
Already in process for acute rural care.
Centres for Remote Rural Medicine need to be developed in remote rural areas.
Our rural GP is amazing and works in the old fashioned 24/7 way - No G-Meds here! He came 29 ears ago, intending to stay 3 years. The way of life in remote rural Scotland is not understood by those of you making the decision. Listen to us please
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