Expand model of Aberdeen Royal Infirmary's "Patient Hotel"

Expand model of Aberdeen Royal Infirmary's "Patient Hotel"

When I was referred out of area from Highland Health Board to Grampian and given a surgery date at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, the appointment letter came with details of arrangements that had been made for me to stay the night before my operation in one of their "Patient Hotel" rooms. This was like a basis en suite hotel room within the hospital and came with arrangements for me to be able to show my key to be able to access food and drink at no cost in the hospital cafe/restaurant for that evening. This addressed the issue of me coming from too far away to come on the day, but without having to take up a bed on the ward when I did not need any form of medical care and was perfectly able to fend for myself. I suggest that there would be great benefit in expanding this model to other hospitals that are taking in patients who are travelling large distances from island, remote and rural locations.


However, properly accessible accommodation should be provided.

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