The Rural General Hospitals in Shetland, Orkney, Wick , Stornoway , Fort William and Oban each need an individual plan for what medical , surgical and mental health emergencies are dealt with locally by local staff and how they are supported for complex care by city hospitals. Routine operations and procedures in each individual Rural General Hospitals also need to be agreed. There should then follow a 5,10,15 year workforce plan for to deliver these agreed emergency and planned procedures. The new Faculty of Remote, Rural and Humanitarian Health for all the health professions , hosted by the Royal Colledge of Surgeons in Ednburgh is a very significant positive step for all doctors, nurses, midwives and Allied Health Profesionals who want to train or currently work in remote and rural health. Rural proofing of GP contracts , hospital contracts and service developments should be an essential test of governement policy. Something new may work well in a city , but that is not guaranteed in a remote and rural context. Rural Healthcare is an excellent educational environment for future city health professionals who need understand "generalism" for the future health care delivery of the NHS in cities. Remote and Rural Health Care should be seen as an asset in Scotland , rather than a problem. Many innovations have come from rural health and have then been applied in cities ( for example tele care). Living and working rurally is great for personal and professional wellbeing, but living rurally remains a challenge and is getting worse because of housing availablity. Much of this comes from the tourist economy and second homes. This problem goes across the public sector for care workers,social workers and teachers as well.We need accomodation for people coming to learn for months at a time in the NHS in rural areas. We need houses for families to put down roots and deliver health and social care in our remote and rural communities long term.
I am losing the will to live... just speak in plain English and permit me to answer in the same language.
Hello , "one -that -clearly -doesnt count" apologies for my technical language in ths short word count. Please can you email me directly and I can explain the jargon and send you a longer document-
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