Urban "hats" do not suit Rural "faces"

Urban "hats" do not suit Rural "faces"

GP's are the frontline of healthcare. Seeing the same doctor gives patients confidence and also allows the GP to spot changes early in someone he/she knows. Rural GPs should have different contracts, be allowed to give a range of healthcare such as minor injury/vaccination and be paid accordingly. This means a different mentality to the current 9-5. Travelling 40 odd miles to G-Meds on a route with limited public transport is not good financial or healthcare management and people end up calling an ambulance and that is where the problems start... Life for a remote rural GP is a lifestyle and should be promoted as such. In a small remote community there will not be call outs every night, surgeries will be manageable and personal. Big rethink needed PLEASE


I work for a rural welfare charity and having key healthworkers like GPs who understand the lifestyle associated with some rural jobs would be aided a lot by consistency.

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