I had an appointment booked with Dr Claire Taylor in Dundee for today which has, unfortunately, had to be cancelled as, ironically, she is recovering from Covid again. So many people have seen, or are due to be seen by Dr Taylor because of her knowledge and expertise in what we are dealing with. There are no local facilities, GPs generally do not have the knowledge to help us. As someone who was a teacher up until I had to take early retirement this summer as I couldn’t cope with my health issues and work, I have been forced to lose part of my pension because I’m taking it early as no one seems able to get Ill Health Retirement because it is not classed as a disability and may be able to return to work. How does anyone know that because we are not having our symptoms investigated properly? NOTE: Aspects of this question were discussed in Committee on the 12th September 2023. Watch the full session here: https://www.scottishparliament.tv/meeting/health-social-care-and-sport-committee-september-12-2023
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