Questions to the Cabinet Secretary: September '23

Questions to the Cabinet Secretary: September '23

Submit questions that you have about Health and Social Care in Scotland that you want the Committee to ask the Scottish Government. Share your questions by clicking the box below & we will choose some to be put to Cabinet Secretary Michael Matheson in September. Click '?' above for more info & BSL.


Why no Covid mitigations, even in health & social care?

More awareness is needed both publicly and in education area

Retention and Destruction of Personal Health Records

Example - How this works using text and images

My question is Music therapy related

National Care Service

Can you improve service access for HSC staff with LongCovid

alcohol harm

Third sector involvement in NCS CoSLA & Scot Gov accord

Why does nobody seem to take Long Covid seriously?

Homelessness Health & social care needs

will complex needs services be commissioned nationally n

Example - how this works with audio

Example - how this works with video

Why isn’t LC support for HSC staff on a national platform

Why are there no COVID safety measures in health settings?

Optometry Workforce

Review of Integration Joint Boards

Long Covid funding and frontline services?

Why aren't you acting to prevent airborne transmission?

Why has Lewis Ritchie's report not been fully implemented

Personalised Social Care for Autistic People

What are plans for the mental health workforce in the NHS?

Shared Patient Records

Protected Learning Time for Pharmacists

Unpaid carers and disabled people - cost of living crisis

Wellbeing of unpaid carers

National Care Service Bill

why no medical treatment/diagnostics in Long Covid clinics

why is there only one Long covid specialist in Scotland?

Providing long-term community-based health services for CYP

Supporting children and young people with vision impairment

Long covid

Will you introduce governance for hospital managers

Improving support for unpaid carers

Why are Community Link Workers in Glasgow being cut?

Neurodiversity assessments

FASD & Education system

Why do you provide more services for FASD that the whole UK?

Training for educators on FASD?

What is your commitment to FASD Support?

understanding of link between alcohol in pregnancy and FASD

Essential Training and Recognition of FASD within Education?

Childhood obesity

Costs of obesity

When will FASD training be made mandatory in education?

Planned investment into FASD prevention and support by SG?

Documentary evidence of birth mum drinking alcohol

Are people in prison getting their basic right to health?

Prevent deaths in custody and involve families

What next for Eating Disorder Services in Scotland?

why are there no covid 19 mitigations in place

How can you guarantee social care service delivery?

what are you going to do protect vulnerable from covid?

What data are you using to "remain vigilant" to Covid ?

Long Covid not Health Sec remit anymore?

why are Gps in no way trained to help people with Long Covid

Palliative care access & delivery in remote and rural areas

When will government address compensation for Long Covid?

why are GPs not all singing from the same hymn sheet

Why does Scotland not have treatment for benzodiazepine addi

I spend £400+ pm managing my long covid. what can i give up

Why are patients asked if they still need appointments

what is cost of inactivity of LC to the economy

does the Scottish Government stand by the CEL 18 (2007) ?

what are plans to fulfil the commitments of GMS contract

Where is the support for Long Covid patients in D&G?

Why are there no Long Covid facilities in Grampian yet?

Why are Scottish Long Covid services still so limited?

Role of industry in public health policy decision making

Where is the care for Long Covid in Fife?

Care workers - pay and working conditions

Why is Scotland so far behind EU Long Covid treatment?

Question on Long Covid care provisions

Restricting promotions of unhealthy food

Restricting advertising of unhealthy food

What is the future for 3rd sector delivery of social care?

Care workers pay.

Tackling childhood obesity

Improving the food environment in Scotland

The Independent Living Fund in Scotland

Independent Living

Access to CAMHS

why is self directed support fund dependent on household fin

Energy costs for families with a terminally ill child

Cystic fibrosis services

Antimicrobial subscription model

Clinical Priorities Health conditions list

what is the scottish government doing to improve social care

Why do we need COSLA?

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