Citizens' Panel on Participation

Citizens' Panel on Participation

Welcome to the Citizen's Panel on Participation discussion site. Below you will find discussion spaces exploring issues raised during the panel. Get involved in the discussion, vote for your favourite contributions and give us your ideas and comments.


Participants attitude to democracy



Pam Gosal MSP (West Scotland)

Maggie Chapman (North East)

David Torrance MSP (Kirkcaldy)

In conversation with MSPs

What can Parliament do?


Democratic Innovation

Words to describe the Scottish Parliament

Conversation Guidelines & Deliberation Tips

Education and Communication




How to build trust and motivation to participate?

How relatable is the work of Parliament?

What have we learned so far in the inquiry?

Your ideas for recommendations!

Why does the Parliament struggle to engage?

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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

Your Priorities on GitHub

Check out the Citizens Foundation website for more information