

The Committee is scrutinising the COVID-19 vaccine programme. Tell us what questions you have about the Scottish Government's ongoing response to COVID-19 relating to the vaccine programme. Click '?' for details of our discussion rules and the privacy notice.


Proof of vaccination cards.

Vaccination exemption

Accessible information

Why are you introducing Vaccine passports?

3rd Vaccination booster

Travelling long distances to access booster jag

Will breastfeeding women be eligible for the C-19booster?

How is the booster vaccination being organised?

Failure to vaccine those with underlaying conditions

Why is booster required before getting a flu jab?

How long will our vaccination last?


Vaccination uptake for those ‘missing in health’

why are we relying on paper and long queues in phone lines?

Should vaccines be given to everyone/ compulsory?

Do hcps have good info & training on who is eligible for vac

Why is the vaccination programme not mandatory?

Is fertility impacted by having the Covid jab(s) ?

How to submit your question.

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