Community Wellbeing: What matters to you?

Community Wellbeing: What matters to you?

The Local Government & Communities Committee is planning future work into community wellbeing and we'd like to hear your ideas and suggestions for what we should focus on. For more information about how to get involved click on the (?) button in the main menu above.


Road safety

Help for teachers in class.

Local Industry Community Fund

Use PERMAH Model and Coaching to improve wellbeing

Make better use of vacant premises and stop building retail

Community Benefit Clause in all Public Procurement Contracts

Drop in centres on high streets for alcohol/ drug/ gambling

fund local leisure services

All terrain access for people who use wheelchairs.

Good practice in reducing stigma and support communities

Fund Local Authorities Properly

Council Funding

Spaces and places within communities

Lack of access to service provision

educate school pupils to stop dropping rubbish on the street

Banks and Pension funds only invest in ethical investments

Going Carbon Neutral Pods

Stop centralising everything

Core investment for community organisations

rural communities have a community bus & building

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wellbeing needs for elderly to combat loneliness

build new villages and stop urban sprawl

Support for Carers

Community Shops

Invest in jobs

Isolated people

free or low cost community counselling provision

National Planning Framework and wellbeing

stop removing female single sex provision in facilities

Building Community Wealth

older people reading with children in primary schools

Support museums as enablers of health and wellbeing

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Activities for teenagers in local areas

Respect fundamental civic practices and policy eg traffic by

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Devolvement of decision making to local communities

Residentail speed limit 20MPH

cycle paths

rethink approaches to remote and rural communities

Out of Hours Use of Schools for Young People

Fully stocked & staffed library in all high schools

provision of public transport that is affordable

dont over burden deprived communities with bad planning

Resourcing places that support wellbeing

Chief Planning Officers

cheaper entertainment clean streets

Looking at the bigger picture - Supporting the whole

create more jobs in community services

Hidden deprivation within communities

Community Wellbeing and the Holistic Environment

Wellbeing through Community Schools

Volunteering improves health, wellbeing and employability

eradicate odour pollution in communities

Youth Work

Mix communities, rich, poor together

homelessness, mental health support and more effective rehab

fund counselling training to create a new workforce.

Mintz - the Community is the Currency

solar panels for heating in low decile homes

Volunteering in Local Communities supported by employers


Stop using pesticides in our communities

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promote its cool to be kind in schools

Benefit System

get volunteering on the agenda.


Bus services in Airdrie

take EV charging responsibilities away from Local Government

Redefine family and holiday bookings

Rethink Social Housing building

Adult Befriending Groups

Improve local healthcare facilities in rural communities

Core path volunteer path clearing days

More community shops present in residential areas

Invest in mental health services and community safety

Community history, heritage and memories

A voice for young people

Community Wellbeing Volunteer Service

Our lovely churches

A better GP Service for the Homeless

more public seating

Proper EV Infrastructure

Give Local Government Independence fully funded

Regulate & restrict short term lets, introduce rent controls

Make shops and community enterprises wheelchair accessible

AIRBNB holiday lets and transient tourist communities.

Trauma Informed Care

What do you think 'community wellbeing' is?

Tool Libraries

Safe, traffic-free spaces/times in residential areas

Forest Schools for Adults

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Hillfoots Hydropower projects

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Get Out

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School term holiday flight fares

Better care in planning

decentralise sbd democratise local government

Quieter, Safer Villages

Knit & Natter for social cohesion and participation

remove road maintenance from the council

Better decision making processes

Divest from Fossil Fuels and mining

Tackle the issue of Fatherless children.

Extend the period of consultation

Statutory obligation provide green spaces/parks.

Cleaner Scotland

Litter/dog waste

Develop guidance for multi-use paths in rural areas.

promote #itscooltobekind in schools

Community-led Heritage Projects

Foodbank buddies

The viable alternative

Get on with the day job

Waste Water Treatment For Historical Settlements

Improve new residentail areas by improving planning

bring back all our services to VOLH

Bike / cycle storage lockup and tool libraries

Cànan agus cultar nan Gàidheal

Investment funding to create change projects

Invest in prevention, youth services and early intervention

Councils need closer scrutiny + schools best run by ScotGov

stop artics driving in villages. rural 20mph speed limit

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Community Run Media

A Market for Values to foster spirit of community

How much do you matter?


Overcrowding and mental health

Supportive Relationships, Confidence & Self-esteem


Bring decision-making down to lowest possible level

Age discrimination should it exist today.

Amend planning legislation: More renewables and green space

250m network of segregated cycleways in urban areas

Disabled People's Civic Inclusion is a Human Right

Local Plans and Masterplans

Closure of Schools

Sport Provision for children/youth/adult/elderly

Community Cafes

Accept the need to constrain motor vehicles in urban areas

Investment in Health Coaching and Health Coaches

A floodlit community sports pitch in Blantyre

Special needs social interaction courses esp for children

Getting Our Voice Heard

Make more use of voluntary sector agencies for young people

Community Cohesion

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Improve media literacy education

Make EK/Glasgow/rutherglen = Scotlands towns Beautiful

Hunterston Nuclear Power Station.

Bring back Community Education workers.

The Midlothian Way : Good Conversations matter

How would you know that your community has good wellbeing?

membership of local organisations


Communication Inclusion Law

Updating and revising the Community Council legislation

Bring Back Local Democracy - Bring Back Town Councils.

rural community transport

more community work for young kids who end up selling drugs

Stopping Holiday Hunger

Tackling social isolated by building belonging

homeless people and those with no fixed address.



Make the Councils Accountable for their Gross Negligence

Supporting Third Sector Community and Youth Groups

Social inclusion impacts on community wellbeing

Reduce free parking in residential areas

Fully funded parenting classes

Breaking the cycle of poverty

Invest in Community Arts

Onshore wind farm development

Mandate shared indoor space in new housing developments

Community Transport

Community Wellbeing

Who is responsible for encouraging good community wellbeing?

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What is your Community?

Free school meals and breakfast clubs for ALL children.

Limit traffic

More and better affordable housing.

somewhere to be a community

Focus on Families


Our health and social care services in Scotland

Healthy Kidz

Consistent Funding

Music provision for young people

More Community Transport


Community Kitchens

Fund all deferrals for 4yr olds who need it

stop relying on the third sector for mental health support

Green space, community forests

Universal basic income

Support community facilities

Climate Emergency

Free access to swimming/sports facilities for all children

Abandoned high streets

Prescribing nature and physical activity for wellbeing

Creation of community orchards and allotments

Promote understanding of biodiversity

Climate crisis

Give Rural Scotland Bus Services fit for the 21st Century

stop building houses without the necessary infrastructure

Good Food Nation


Being able to get a GP appointment quickly.

Give real power to community councils

growing own vegetables and fruit


health and well being promotion

Make Political Manifestos in Local Gov't Legally Bindin

Virtual Reality health sessions in GP surgeries

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